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Permablitz in Berești

With the help of our partners, the Paul Bujor Technological High School and GWP - Global Water Partnership Romania , students from the "Paul Bujor" Technological High School benefited from permaculture and ecological education workshops, where they learned both theoretically and practically about the importance of creating a cleaner environment and about the benefits of permaculture systems.

Camping Site
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Permablitz in Cavadinești

Newest project completed!

Alături de partenerii noștri, Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 din Cavadinești și Primăria din Cavadinești, cu finanțarea Uniunii Europene, am plantat a doua grădină în regim de permacultură din județul Galați!

Permablitz in Berești

With the help of our partners, the Paul Bujor Technological High School and GWP - Global Water Partnership Romania , students from the "Paul Bujor" Technological High School benefited from permaculture and ecological education workshops, where they learned both theoretically and practically about the importance of creating a cleaner environment and about the benefits of permaculture systems.



Alături de The Future Kit, lansăm #BeeFuture, un demers educațional care își propune să livreze educație de și pentru mediu.Un spațiu unde vorbim pe șleau și îți dăm soluții #pebune, implementabile de azi, la problemele de mediu cu care ne confruntăm de ceva vreme, zi de zi.

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